Pacific Media Watch

8 June 2016

PNG: Police open fire on UPNG students during peaceful Waigani protest

Hero image
Police confronting students at the university campus in Waigani today. Image: Citizen Journalist/ Asia Pacific Report

PORT MORESBY (Asia Pacific Report/ RNZI/ Pacific Media Watch): Police in Papua New Guinea opened fire at university students preparing to a peaceful protest this morning.

The students had planned a rally in support of the vote of no confidence against Prime Minster Peter O’Neill that was expected to be tabled today.

Buses were suppose to take them from the Waigani campus to Parliment gates, however according to RNZI police stopped the buses from leaving the campus.

In an interview with Radio New Zealand International, student Gerald Tulu Manu-Peni, said students who were shot were trying to protect the student president from being arrested.

"There was no warning shots, they fired straight at us. We were just five to ten metres away from them,” Manu-Peni said.

After eartlier reports of deaths from the shooting, hospital authorities tonight said eight people had been treated for gunshot woumnds and all were stable. Two had been discharged.

The students have been boycotting university classes since early May saying they would not conitnue their semester until Prime Minister O'Neill resigned over alleged corruption.

More news on the shooting on Asia Pacifric Report



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Pacific Media Watch

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