Pacific Media Watch

7 June 2013

PNG: TV crew in middle of deadly clashes after rugby league match

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The EMTV TV crew got in the midst of the deadly clashes in Port Moresby yesterday. Watch their report at the bottom of this article. Image: EMTV

PORT MORESBY (Pacific Media Watch / EMTV): The intense following of the State of Origin Rugby League match in Sydney last night had a deadly outcome after the first game in Papua New Guinea.

A TV crew from the broadcaster EMTV followed the events closely:

A man was killed after an argument over the game at two mile [settlement] in Port Moresby. It led to an ethnic clash this morning where relatives of the deceased took revenge burning down houses and retaliating by injuring another person.

As we followed the smoke of a burning house just below the two mile settlement, we were stopped by this a mob which included men, women, and children, wielding weapons and carrying a youth covered in blood, who was taken from his home while he was asleep.

They wanted revenge over the slaying of a relative by a known suspect from Kerema following last nights state of origin game.

As the youth lay helpless on the ground he was continuously beaten with rocks and metal weapons. His captors taunted him, telling him he was going to die.

We rushed to the Badili Police Station were we informed police of the imminent death of the youth. Their response, the vehicle was doing pick up. After a few minutes, a vehicle was finally dispatched and the youth was rescued.

We offered to help the youth given the severity of his injuries, and the fact that he was bleeding and needed urgent medical attention. We took him to the Port Moresby General Hospital Emergency Ward, where he is now undergoing treatment.

At the entrance a notice to the general public that all state of origin related injuries will be attended to at a K150 [87 NZD].

The man suspected of the killing of the Gorokan is on the run. Meanwhile, Division Commander for NCD [National Capital District] and Central Jim Andrews urged residents to support in the true spirit of sportsmanship, and to stop fighting.

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Pacific Media Watch

PMC's media monitoring service

Pacific Media Watch is compiled for the Pacific Media Centre as a regional media freedom and educational resource by a network of journalists, students, stringers and commentators. (cc) Creative Commons
