Pacific Media Watch

27 October 2018

REGION: APEC big money, Maseratis and PNG youth resilience

Hero image
Participants from the SKILLZ PNG training wrapping up a team-building exercise. Image: Pauline Mago-King/PMC

AUCKLAND (Asia Pacific Report/Pacific Media Centre/Pacific Media Watch): The countdown to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Papua New Guinea is well underway.

As the PNG government finalises preparations for this high-level meeting next month, instability is growing from pressing development issues. But, reports Pauline Mago-King of Asia Pacific Journalism, some of the youth are committed to strengthening their country’s resilience.

As well as APEC on November 17-18, the independence vote in New Caledonia on November 4 and the Fiji general election on November 14 are topics previewed in articles by postgraduate students on the AUT Pacific Media Centre’s Asia Pacific Journalism course. 

Other Asia Pacific Journalism Studies reports by postgraduate student journalists include:

While PNG promotes APEC big money, youth are building grassroots resilienceby Pauline Mago-King

40 luxury Maseratis for PNG, but little effort put into climate change by Pauline Mago-King

Tukuitonga goes into battle on behalf of Pacific for WHO positionby Sri Krishnamurthi

Memo NZ: ‘Get on the right side of history’ over West Papuaby James Halpin

Climate change advocacy calls for more ‘action’ response to Ardern’s UN pleaby Maxine Jacobs

Listen to Pacific ‘voices’ or climate will spark conflict, say advocatesby Michael Andrew

Draft family law progressing but more action needed on violenceby Mike Mohr

Rights violations, censorship threaten EU-Vietnam deal, says watchdogby Jessica Marshall

China isn’t the real threat to liberal democracy - ‘we are’, say academicsby Rahul Bhattarai

Pacific Media Centre Online, Pacific Media Watch and Asia Pacific Report at Auckland University of Technology publish under a Creative Commons licence. Student journalism schools and Pacific media are welcome to republish stories as long as they are attributed to the author and the Pacific Media Centre.

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Pacific Media Watch

PMC's media monitoring service

Pacific Media Watch is compiled for the Pacific Media Centre as a regional media freedom and educational resource by a network of journalists, students, stringers and commentators. (cc) Creative Commons