Pacific Media Watch

28 April 2015

REGION: Fiji can still be part of Pacific framework proposals, says Forum

Hero image
Forum Secretary-General Dame Meg Taylor ... door still open for Fiji involvement. Image: Pacific Scoop

Vuniwaqa Bola-Bari
SUVA (The Fiji Times/Pacific Media Watch): Fijians can still have a say on what needs to be prioritised in the region by the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, says the secretariat.

This despite Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama's decision not to attend the forum leaders meeting scheduled to be held in Papua New Guinea later this year.

The Forum Secretariat says Fijians can still be part of proposals for regional action.

With the Pacific Island leaders adopting the Framework for Pacific Regionalism to be implemented by the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, the framework will see the emphasis on inclusivity.

"This new approach recognises that complex regional challenges cannot be addressed solely by governments or by any one sector and that the private sector and civil society are critical to developing innovative solutions to enduring regional challenges," the secretariat said.

"The new process allows any individual, organisation or group in the region to put forward a proposal for regional action to address an issue of regional concern."

This can see Fijians who would like to make a proposal to the forum on what needed prioritisation in the region to do so.

"The call for proposals will be made very shortly and anyone in the Pacific will be able to submit a proposal, including the people of Fiji and Fiji-based organisations."

The secretariat confirmed that a number of Fijian citizens have also been invited to sit on the panel of experts that will provide support to the Specialist Sub-Committee on Regionalism that has been established as a key advisory mechanism under the framework.

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Pacific Media Watch

PMC's media monitoring service

Pacific Media Watch is compiled for the Pacific Media Centre as a regional media freedom and educational resource by a network of journalists, students, stringers and commentators. (cc) Creative Commons
