Pacific Media Watch

17 December 2010

REGION: MSG praises Solomons leader for Fiji, Vanuatu reconciliation

Hero image
Leaders of the MSG countries and territories join hands in solidarity to end the rift. Photo: Solomon Star

Douglas Marau
HONIARA: The Danny Philip-led Solomon Islands government has been praised by the four other Melanesian Spearhead Group countries and territories for facilitating the reconciliation ceremony between Fiji and Vanuatu.

Government representatives from Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Vanuatu and New Caledonia have all expressed thanks to the government and the people of Solomon Islands for taking up the initiative in organising a traditional ceremony to restore peace amongst the two MSG nations.

Speaking during the official summit held at the Mendana Hotel in Honiara, Fiji Foreign Affairs Minister Ratu Inoke Kubuabola said the Solomon Islands had organised an event that would go done in the history books of both Fiji and Vanuatu.

“The event today has brought us together as Melanesian brothers,” he said.

“Similarly, in our customs when two brothers have a problem another brother will always be there to make sure we sort things out and today MSG has witnessed a historic event.

“This would not have happened without our brothers from Solomon Islands.”

Prime Minister of Vanuatu Sato Kilman also acknowledged the Solomon Islands government on behalf of his people.

Prime Minister Sato Kilman encouraged the MSG nations to stick together like a mat woven together.

“We are like a woven mat,” he said.

Each of us represents pandanus leaves that are woven together into a mat.

“Therefore, we must remain intact.

“Thank you Solomon Islands and also our brothers and sisters from PNG, New Caledonia and Fiji who are here today.” the Prime Minister said. - Solomon Star/Pacific Media Watch

Pacific Media Watch

PMC's media monitoring service

Pacific Media Watch is compiled for the Pacific Media Centre as a regional media freedom and educational resource by a network of journalists, students, stringers and commentators. (cc) Creative Commons
