Pacific Media Watch

28 January 2012

REGION: Pacific Journalism Review submissions - final call for papers

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AUCKLAND: PJR Call for Papers 18(1) May 2012

AUCKLAND (Pacific Journalism Review / Pacific Media Watch):
'Back to the source': Investigative journalism

Edition editors: Professor Wendy Bacon (UTS-ACIJ), Associate Professor Tom Morton (UTS-ACIJ) and Professor David Robie (AUT-Pacific Media Centre)

Reviews editor: Associate Professor Evangelia Papoutsaki (Unitec)

Articles are sought for publication in the May 2012 edition of Pacific Journalism Review. This themed edition will be linked to the September 2011 “Back to the source” Investigative Journalism conference organised and hosted by the Australian Centre for Independent Journalism in Sydney. The editors will be especially interested in commentaries and papers presented at the conference and other research articles exploring investigative journalism themes. Topics may include but are not restricted to:

The changing nature of journalists’ relationship with their sources

New collaborative models for investigative journalism

New ways of “getting the story out”

Telling investigative stories across multiple platforms

Maximising the impact of investigative stories

Overcoming barriers to investigative journalism: secrecy, privacy and the right to know

Back to the Source website:

Articles on other topics related to media and journalism theory and practice may also be considered for the edition.

Please submit your papers as two Word format files:
(1) Abstract page containing title, author, affiliation, abstract, contact details and snail mail address;
(2) Paper with title and abstract but no author byline or other identifying information.

The double blind peer-reviewed journal has four main sections: Research articles, Commentaries, Forum and Reviews.

The APA-based style guide is at:

Managing editor: Professor David Robie

Email all submissions to the editors:

Articles - up to 6000 words
Commentaries 1500 to 3000 words
Reviews - up to 1500 words (Noted short reviews 300 words)
Forum contributions - up to 800 words.

Submission deadline: February 1, 2012

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Pacific Media Watch

PMC's media monitoring service

Pacific Media Watch is compiled for the Pacific Media Centre as a regional media freedom and educational resource by a network of journalists, students, stringers and commentators. (cc) Creative Commons
