Pacific Media Watch

9 August 2010

REGION: Samoa meeting to launch new media group to challenge PINA

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APIA:  A diverse group of Pacific Islands news media owners and editors - including participation from Fiji - will meet in Samoa this week to launch a new regional media association, the Samoa Observer reported.

This follows discontent with the Suva-based Pacific Islands News Association (PINA).

Prominent among those forming the new association are:

- Samoa Observer proprietor/chief editor Savea Sano Malifa (one of PINA’s founders who quit the association after questioning aspects of its merger with the Pacific Islands Broadcasting Association).

- Cook Islands News publisher/managing editor John Woods (who recently quit as PINA vice-president after publicly criticising the association and its secretariat).

- and Vanuatu Daily Post publisher/chief editor Marc Neil-Jones (a former PINA executive board member, who quit PINA over issues of governance).

Group spokesman Savea told the Samoa Observer the Apia gathering was the culmination of two months of discussions.

“The group has the working title of the Pacific Media Association,” said Savea.

“The name may change as a result of Tuesday’s meeting but it’s already clear that the core values of media freedom, transparency, good governance and accountability will not.”

The inaugural meeting will have representatives from Cook Islands, Fiji, Hawai’i, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Tonga and Vanuatu, the Samoa Observer said.

Expressions of interest have also been received from Australia, New Zealand and French Polynesia.

“Tuesday’s meeting will elect office bearers and adopt a constitution,” said Savea. - Fiji Sun/Pacific Media Watch

Pacific Media Watch

PMC's media monitoring service

Pacific Media Watch is compiled for the Pacific Media Centre as a regional media freedom and educational resource by a network of journalists, students, stringers and commentators. (cc) Creative Commons
