Pacific Media Watch

30 June 2012

REGION: WACC outlines Pacific communication strategy


SUVA (WACC / Pacific Media Watch): WACC Pacific, a network of Pacific Islands-based organisations committed to the promotion of communication rights meeting in Nadi, Fiji, has committed to a strategic plan of action which will:

1. Advocate for a just, inclusive and peaceful Pacific where peoples can claim their legitimate right to self determination through renewed relationship with ecumenical and civil society partners in the islands and across the region;

2. Use communication rights to address poverty of information and communication in order to ensure that national and regional ICT policies are more accountable to community priorities and develop a Pacific constituency of communication rights campaigners and advocates;
3. Enhance the capacity of and leadership for women, young women and men to produce content that communicates their human rights which contributes to a sustainable network;

4. Provide leadership training and capacity building to current leaders on a periodical basis to transcend power or to current leaders to challenge the status quo.

This was adopted at the 2012 WACC Pacific Regional Meeting held in Nadi, Fiji Islands, from June 25–28 together with a call to action - “Let us Remember July 2 and 30 Year Legacy of Nuclear Testing in the Moruroa and Fangataufa”.

WACC is the World Association for Christian Communication and Pacific members present included: Citizens Constitutional Forum, Divine Word University, FemLINKPACIFIC, Fiji Media Watch, Maohi Protestant Church, Methodist Church in Fiji, The Nukuno Protestant Churches Association, Federated States of Micronesia

WACC Pacific Call to Action: Let us Remember July 2 and 30 Year Legacy of Nuclear Testing in the Moruroa and Fangataufa
We cannot afford to simply turn the page and forget the ongoing struggle for self determination and a nuclear free Pacific:

Even though the test site of Moruroa was dismantled following France’s last nuclear detonation January 27, 1996, we must unveil the legacy of the 45 atmospheric nuclear tests conducted at Moruroa between 1966 and 1996, and 148 underground nuclear tests, a total of 193 nuclear tests conducted at Moruroa and Fangataufa Atolls.

This includes environmental degradation which requires a more systematic and inclusive approach to relocation programmes to ensure long term safety of the communities on the affected atolls. Nuclear fallout continues to affect the health of peoples of these islands and requires accountability from the French Government to support medical research and treatment in this regard.

Call to Action:
On July 2, as the WACC Pacific, a network of Pacific Island based organizations committed to the promotion of communication rights for all, call on our partners to support the campaign to support the people of Maohi-Nui to claim their legitimate right for self-determination and a nuclear-free Pacific!
We believe the French government must be made accountable for the fragmentation of communities and environmental destruction caused by the 3 decades of nuclear testing.

The French government must also commit to providing a political process for the peoples of the islands organise and in order to claim their right to self determination. This includes free and fair access to the media.

We reiterate that the movement for self determination is more than about forming an independent country and as WACC members we have the opportunity to deepen the understanding of the right to self-determination which is at the heart of communication rights at the personal, community and political levels.

This is the legacy the future generations must inherit.

Pacific Media Watch

PMC's media monitoring service

Pacific Media Watch is compiled for the Pacific Media Centre as a regional media freedom and educational resource by a network of journalists, students, stringers and commentators. (cc) Creative Commons
