Pacific Media Watch

14 June 2011

SAMOA: Government appeals to NZ High Court in Campbell Live issue

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APIA: (Savali News/Pacific Media Watch): The Samoan government has this week filed an appeal with the High Court in Wellington, New Zealand, against the recent decision by New Zealand’s Broadcasting Standards Authority (BSA) in which alleged unfair reporting by TV3’s Campbell Live was cleared.

Late last year the government complained to the BSA about two stories on Campbell Live. It said both stories, about the use of aid money in the wake of the 2009 tsunami, were inaccurate and unfair. However, the BSA refused to uphold the government’s complaints.

“We continue to insist that all aid money given to Samoa has been carefully spent and accounted for,” said Prime Minister Tuila'epa Lupesoliai Sailele Malielegaoi.

“In our view the Campbell Live programme deliberately ignored the facts and misled its viewers about what was happening here.”

He also said the decision to appeal against the BSA’s determination was not taken lightly.

“These appeals are difficult things. They take time and they cost money. But the reputation of all of Samoa has been sullied by Campbell Live and we need to be certain that the many generous New Zealanders and others who gave money to help us rebuild after the tsunami understand the true story that their donations have been well-spent.”  

The government’s appeal will claim that the BSA’s decision is wrong and ought to have found the Campbell Live reports were unfair, misleading and inaccurate.

Samoa Observer Article: Samoa Appeals BSA Ruling

Pacific Media Watch

PMC's media monitoring service

Pacific Media Watch is compiled for the Pacific Media Centre as a regional media freedom and educational resource by a network of journalists, students, stringers and commentators. (cc) Creative Commons
