Pacific Media Watch

12 August 2011

VANUATU: MAV calls on leaders to stop threatening journalists

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MAV president Evelyn Toa ...rebuke for politicians. Photo: PMC

PORT VILA (Radio NZ International/Pacific Media Watch): The Vanuatu Media Association (MAV) has called on government leaders to stop threatening journalists.

The association president, Evelyne Toa, says a recent attempt by the Minister of ni-Vanuatu Business, Pastor Don Ken, to stop the Vanuatu Broadcasting and Television Corporation running a story was unacceptable.

Pastor Ken had been arrested for public drunkenness on the eve of the country’s independence celebrations at the end of last month.

He has since been jailed for that offence, but before it went to court he tried to have the story censored, saying it could damage his reputation.

In March, the Minister of Public Utilities and Infrastructure was involved in the assault on the publisher of the Vanuatu Daily Post.

Minister Harry Iauko was later fined for aiding and abetting the assault on Marc Neil-Jones.

Evelyne Toa says the continuous threats against media made by politicians are a clear violation of the rights of journalists to report on the way leaders behave.

Pacific Media Watch

PMC's media monitoring service

Pacific Media Watch is compiled for the Pacific Media Centre as a regional media freedom and educational resource by a network of journalists, students, stringers and commentators. (cc) Creative Commons
