PMC Multimedia

26 March 2017

VIDEO: 5 mind-boggling things about Pilger’s doco The Coming War on China

Watch the documentary trailer. Video: Dartmouth Films

LONDON (Asia Pacific Report/RT/RNZ/Pacific Media Watch): With dozens of US military bases encircling China with a “giant noose,” and America’s historic nuclear presence in the Pacific region, a war between the greatest military power and the world’s second largest economy “is no longer unthinkable,” journalist John Pilger says.

In his documentary, The Coming War on China being launched in New Zealand next week,  the multi-award winning journalist and filmmaker says he aims “to break the silence”.

Pilger sets out several remarkable historic facts which bear testament to America’s “sabre-rattling” in the Asia-Pacific region.

LISTEN: RNZ Sunday’s Wallace Chapman talks to John Pilger today about his new documentary.

‘Giant US noose’ around China
In the West, “the threat of China is becoming big news, the media is beating the drums of war as the world is being primed to regard China as a new enemy,” the UK-based Australian journalist says.

The mainstream media such as CNN get exclusive access to classified US surveillance flights over disputed islands in the South China Sea, which “have become a flashpoint for war between China and America”.

But “what is not in the news is that China itself is under threat.

“American bases form a giant noose encircling China with missiles, bombers, warships all the way from Australia through the Pacific to Asia and beyond,” Pilger’s documentary states.

As one of the film’s contributors, author of The China Mirage book, James Bradley put it, “if you were in Beijing and stood on the tallest building and looked out at the Pacific Ocean, you would see American warships, you would see Guam is about to sink because there are so many missiles pointed at China.”

The Coming War documentary by John Pilger … “so many missiles pointing at China”. Map: Base Nation

READ, LISTEN AND SEE MORE: Full story with audio and pictures on Asia Pacific Report

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Pacific Media Watch

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Pacific Media Watch is compiled for the Pacific Media Centre as a regional media freedom and educational resource by a network of journalists, students, stringers and commentators. (cc) Creative Commons
