PMC Multimedia

21 March 2011

VIDEO: Press newspaper building quake survivor wants investigation

Hero image
The Press Building in Christchurch ... a fatality during the February 22 earthquake. Photo: TV3

Jendy Harper reports

CHRISTCHURCH: One of the horrors of the Christchurch earthquake in was the tragic loss of life in multi-storey office buildings. Places of work where so many workers had no chance of escape.

The New Zealand government has already signalled the royal commission of inquiry will include investigations into the collapse of the Canterbury TV and PGC buildings.

But this week Campbell Live was contacted by an employee at another wrecked workplace - the Press newspaper building in Cathedral Square.

Naomi Magee wants it to also come under scrutiny - the building where she worked, where she lay trapped, and where she lost a good friend. - Television 3 News/Scoop Multimedia/Pacific Media Watch

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