PMC Multimedia

17 September 2015

VIDEO: World is 'facing grim future' - time for action now, says Hinchcliff

Alistar Kata's video story about the World Without War conference.

Alistar Kata
AUCKLAND (Pacific Media Watch): New Zealand has a rich history in activism and protest, most of which stems from a passion to promote peace globally, a movement that is also relevant today.

With a long history of peace works, the president of the Peace Foundation, Dr John Hinchcliff, said this week the time for action was now.

“The world is facing a grim future in many directions, in not just nuclear weapons,” he said.

“When I was 5 years old there were two nuclear weapons, small atomic bombs, now there are about 17,000 going up to 1750 megaton bombs, so it’s radically different.”

A two-day Action for Peace conference will see experts from different fields gather this weekend in Auckland to focus on practical initiatives for New Zealand.

Coordinator of the event Christopher Le Breton said New Zealand had an important place in the global context.

'Amazing country'
“I was in the UK in the 1970s and I remember hearing about this little country called New Zealand somewhere down in the Pacific who has said no!” he said.

“It was the first time I had heard about it and I thought wow, what an amazing country. These people have the courage and the vision to stand up.”

Auckland University of Technology student Amy-Claire Walsh is interning with the Peace Foundation and said young people need to be more active in their beliefs.

“I think it’s more talking than actually acting, and I think that that’s what needs to be more focused on by younger generations,” she said.

“The youth don’t realise how powerful they actually are in changing the world and bringing about peace for the future.”

Action for Peace conference at Auckland University of Technology

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Alistar Kata

Pacific Media Watch project contributing editor 2015

Alistar Kata is of Cook Island, Māori (Ngapuhi) descent and is a Communication Studies Honours student at AUT and Pacific Media Watch contributing editor.
