Pacific Media Watch

12 June 2012

WEST PAPUA: Police threaten, intimidate Bintang Papua journalists over demonstration

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JAYAPURA (Asia-Pacific Solidarity Net / Tabloid Jubi /Pacific Media Watch): Indonesian police have warned several journalists working in Serui, Yapen district in Papua, including a journalist from Bintang Papua, against publishing information about a demonstration that took place there on 29 May, Tabloid Jubi newspaper reports.

Bintang Papuahas expressed its regrets about this information regarding what the police had done. 

Journalists have the right to report what happened regarding incidents like this, said the newspaper chief editor, Daud Sony.

"I have just received information from Seo, our contributor in Serui. He said that the terror and threats made by the police were highly regrettable.This is now the era of reform and space should be given to anyone to exercise the right of response, including journalists," he said in reply to a query by Jubi.

The Bintang Papua journalist who was in Serui had rung Jubi to tell them about "intimidation and terror" by the local police after they had sent a report about a demonstration by Wadapi inhabitants to the Yapen Legislative assembly, DPRD, regarding the arrest of John Nuntian. 

"We were accused of inciting discord by circulating this report, but we had already sought and received confirmation from the police."

In addition to Seo, another journalist, Ulis Makabori reported he had been intimidated by the police for reporting information about the demonstration. 

Ulis wrote a detailed report about happened during the demonstration.

Article 4 para (1) of the Press Law 4/1999 states: "The freedom of the press is guaranteed as a basic right of all citizens, The press shall be free of any attempt to prevent, prohibit or use other means to prevent the population from receiving information."

[Abridged in translation by the human rights organisation TAPOL]

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Pacific Media Watch

PMC's media monitoring service

Pacific Media Watch is compiled for the Pacific Media Centre as a regional media freedom and educational resource by a network of journalists, students, stringers and commentators. (cc) Creative Commons
