Pacific Media Watch

4 April 2011

Warner Bros takes out Roger Award for 'worst transnational' in NZ

Hero image
4 April 2011

An industrial dispute over The Hobbit bitterly divided public opinion in New Zealand last year. However, at tonight's Roger Awards ceremony for the worst transnational corporation operating in New Zealand, the verdict was unanimously in favour of the "Saurons of cinema".

Warner Bros Entertainment blitzed the competition to take out the award, which has been running since 1996.

As expected, the company’s executives were not present to collect their award, a Bugs Bunny accepted it on the film corporation's behalf, quipping “Elmer Fudd and Yosemite Sam are much easier to deal with".

Chief judge Dr Christine Dann said no other company had been able to “wield such a ring of power over the New Zealand government that is has had legislation rewritten in its favour".

Dann quoted another of the judges who warned against the precedent set by the government.

“Such interference in New Zealand politics sets precedence for all future negotiations between the New Zealand government and transnational corporations.”

She attacked the government for making ordinary New Zealanders pay for foreign “fat cats".

“The $100 million tax break and publicity subsidy going to Warner Bros represents around $25 for every man, woman and child in New Zealand,” she said.

“Isn’t it amazing that the Key government thinks that this little country can and should afford to pay these subsidies to a giant foreign corporation – whose market capitalisation is the same as that of 90 percent of the domestic companies listed on the New Zealand Stock Exchange, added together.”

Murray Houghton, organiser of the award and national coordinator of the Christchurch-based Campaign Against Foreign Control of Aotearoa (CAFCA), attacked what he called New Zealand’s “obsessive compulsive disorder” with free trade and foreign investment and called for New Zealand to hold the transnational corporations to account.

“They are the most important players in our economy and we need to hold them publicly accountable for the massively negative impact on our country,” he said.

The winners of the awards corporations judged to have caused most damage to the economy, people, the environment and politics. The simple criteria was that the company be more than 25 percent foreign-owned and that it be judged only for its activities in New Zealand.

“That ruled out BP of course,” said Houghton. “As well as companies like Fonterra and Slingshot.”

Houghton defended the credibility of the award, saying that in the recent past, recipients would hound him to remove them from the "hall of shame". This year, Vodafone was a finalist and Houghton received “pages of PR saying how good they were”.

Taken seriously
“We are not a joke, or a spoof. We say it straight and we take it very seriously indeed,” said Houghton about the credibility of the awards.

The judges for this year’s awards were trade unionist Paul Corliss, communication studies academic associate professor Wayne Hope, education academic Dr Joce Jesson, former Green Party MP Sue Bradford and Dr Christine Dann, a Banks Peninsula writer and researcher.

Houghton praised the judged, who gave up their summer to “trawl through the corporate sewer in a glass bottom boat”.

It was only the third time in the history of the award that a media conglomerate has been a finalist. In 2007, Australian company APN News and Media was a finalist, for its outsourcing of subediting on New Zealand’s biggest newspaper, the New Zealand Herald causing a 20 percent loss in salary for those affected.

An "Accomplice Award", for an organisation that aids and abets the winner, went to the New Zealand government, for its "caving in" to Warner Bros.

Film maker Sir Peter Jackson did not escape without  a mention, receiving a "Special Quisling Award" for being the New Zealander who "did the most to facilitate foreign control" for his role in the Hobbitt affair.

Vidkun Quisling was the notorious Norwegian President who served under Nazi occupation and is a symbol of power pandering to foreign interests.

BUPA, a British-owned "couldn't care less" retirement home company exposed for shabby treatment of staff and residents, was awarded second prize, and Imperial Tobacco came third for its infamous "third party techniques' in promoting products detrimental to health.

Westpac, Telco's Vodafone and a former winner, Telecom, were also nominees.

Horton embarked on a national speaking tour his week  and will be speaking at AUT University tomorrow night on "free trade" contriversies.

New Zealand NOT for sale: Murray Houghton speaking tour


Alex Perrottet

PMW contributing editor 2011-2012

Alex Perrottet is a journalist who has completed a Masters degree and Postgraduate Diploma in Communication Studies student at AUT University.
