Corazon Miller

PMC profile photograph
Asia-Pacific internship journalist

Corazon Miller is an AUT University graduate journalist on an internship with the Jakarta Globe in Indonesia.

As a recipient of the 2011 Pacific Media Centre international internships, supported by the Asia New Zealand Foundation, she is working at the Globe for six weeks in July-August.

Since graduating with a Postgraduate Diploma in Communication Studies (Journalism) in 2010, she has worked as a freelancer for the TV programme Asia Downunder, a newspaper called Touchstone and as a nurse in neonatal intensive care.

Miller was also awarded the Asia New Zealand Foundation's inaugural Kiwi Asian Journalism Scholarship in 2010. Her reporting reflects her interest in "diversity" stories, highlighting issues faced by minority groups around the world.

During her year in AUT's journalism programme she covered stories from disability within New Zealand's mainstream education to challenges for education in Afghanistan.

Corazon Miller stories
