Professor David Robie is an author, journalist and media educator specialising in Asia-Pacific affairs.
He holds a PhD in history/politics from the University of the South Pacific and a masters degree in journalism from the University of Technology, Sydney.
Dr Robie was head of journalism at both the University of Papua New Guinea and USP in Fiji for a decade and has been a resource person for media workshops in Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Tonga and Vanuatu. He was the 1999 Australian Press Council Fellow, winner of the 2005 Pacific Islands Media Freedom Award (PIMA) and a 2009 'Atenisi University Fellow, Tonga.
He is the founding director of the Pacific Media Centre and editor of Pacific Scoop and PMC Online. Among a range of research and publication activities, he was co-founder of Pacific Media Watch, New Zealand correspondent for Reporters sans frontières (Reporters Without Borders) and a Pacific researcher for Freedom House.
Founding editor of Pacific Journalism Review, David is also the author of 10 books on Asia-Pacific media and politics, including Mekim Nius: South Pacific media, politics and education and Don't Spoil My Beautiful Face: Media, Mayhem and Human Rights in the Pacific. In May 2011, he was awarded a Vice-Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching and in 2014 he was awarded the faculty "Critic and Conscience of Society" Award.
His blog is Cafe Pacific
His AUT staff academic profile
Promoting Asia-Pacific Journalism
David Robie appointed professor at AUT
David Robie on NZ Herald Online
Order David Robie titles at Wheelers Books