
2 February 2011

Gold's costly dividend: Human rights impacts of PNG's Porgera gold mine

Hero image
Papua New Guinean women gold hunters panning for the ore in the Porgera catchment. Photo: Human Rights Watch

This research report identifies systemic failures on the part of Toronto-based Barrick Gold that kept the company from recognising the risk of abuses, and responding to allegations that abuses had occurred at Porgera Gold Mine in Papua New Guinea.

This research report identifies systemic failures on the part of Toronto-based Barrick Gold that kept the company from recognising the risk of abuses, and responding to allegations that abuses had occurred at Porgera Gold Mine in Papua New Guinea.

The report examines the impact of Canada's failure to regulate the overseas activities of its companies and also calls on Barrick to address environmental and health concerns around the mine with greater transparency.

Private security at Porgera accused of 'serious abuses'

Human Rights Watch (2011). Gold's Costly Dividend: Human rights impacts of Papua New Guinea's Porgera gold mine. ISBN: 1-56432-738-8. Full text available @ HRW website:
