Special Report

16 March 2011

Hikoi reaches Auckland in takutai moana march on Parliament

Hero image
The hikoi marches up Queen St, Auckland, today. Photos: John Miller © 2011
Photojournalist John Miller captures the mood
16 March 2011

John Miller: Photo essay: A hikoi protesting against the Marine and Coastal Area Bill today reached downtown Auckland on its way to Parliament in the capital of Wellington.

PHOTO ESSAY: A hikoi protesting against the Takutai Moana (Marine and Coastal Area) Bill today reached downtown Auckland on its way to Parliament in Wellington.

The Bill will replace the controversial 2004 Foreshore and Seabed Act and restores the right of iwi and hapu to seek customary title through the courts.

About 100 people marched up Queen Street in Auckland to Aotea Square about midday.

Almost seven years ago, about 20,000 people marched to Parliament protesting against the Act - and this led to the formation of the Maori Party.

Protesters chanted as they marched, some carrying tino rangatiratanga flags.

An organiser Wikatana Popata says the new bill equates to nothing more than land confiscation through legislation.

The bill is being "rushed" through Parliament, say protesters, and could be passed by the end of the week - before the hikoi is due to reach the capital on Tuesday..

Photojournalist John Miller was on hand today to capture these images of the hikoi.


Unite's Joe Carolan at the hikoi today. Photo: John Miller

Kitty Harawira (centre) and her daughter Magic at the hikoi today. Photo: John Miller.

John Miller


John Miller (Ngapuhi) is one of New Zealand's leading political dissent and social documentary photographers.
