NUS Journalism Programme

Diploma in Journalism    (2 years)
The programme aims to provide students with a balance of theoretical and practical training in journalism; to equip students with the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes to function as responsible reporters in Samoa and in the Pacific; to provide them technical skills in broadcast and print media focusing on the different stages of pre-production, production and post production; to train students on the application of electronic page layout for the different types of print production; and to train students to function effectively with minimum supervision in the workplace, enhance and upgrade learners existing knowledge, skills and attitudes through refresher courses.

Entry requirement:

Students should:
-    successfully have completed Year 13 and have a good command in both English
      and Samoan - written and oral
-    genuinely display an interest and motivation to become a reporter, journalist or
      media presenter in the future, PSSC English with a minimum grade of 3, PSSC
      Samoan with a minimum grade of 3 (desirable)
-    pass in both the oral interview and diagnostic test
-    mature aged applicants need at least 3 years working experience a must.

Diploma in Journalism   (2 years)

A wide of range of courses are available to the students including the following.  Newsroom work experience attachments are also done for several weeks at the end of the year break.       

  • Basic Journalism research
  • Basic News Writing
  • Media Law & Ethics
  • Introduction to Communications and Language Skills (Samoan and English)
  • Computing and Internet Skills
  • Rounds Reporting
  • Sports Reporting
  • Cultural reporting
  • Political reporting
  • Basic Radio and Video Production
  • Desktop Publishing
  • Regional and Global Development Issues 
  • Public Relations and Advertising
  • Media and Development   

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Pacific Media Centre

PMC newsdesk

The Pacific Media Centre - TE AMOKURA - at AUT University has a strategic focus on Māori, Pasifika and ethnic diversity media and community development.
