TIHE Journalism Programme

Certificate and Diploma in Media and Journalism
The Certificate and Diploma in Media and Journalism is a product of the commitment of the media industry, the vocational education sector and government to provide affordable access to quality, accredited training and professional development in media and journalism.

In his foreword to Informing Citizens, the Pacific Media and Communications Facility (PMCF) study that established the specific needs for the development of this course, Forum Secretary-General Greg Urwin said: 

‘…informed citizens are central to sustained development and good governance in our region.  They need to know not only what is happening, but why and how and when.  They need to be able to comment and contribute to the development of their communities, nations and the region.  The media is often the most effective way of doing this - and must itself be confident, well informed and professional… Media practitioners, whether from government, civil society or the media industry need access to quality training and professional development…’

In recognition of this and the demand for quality and industry recognised training and education in media and journalism, five Pacific Island Technical Institutions, with the support of their governments, committed to work with each other, their national media industry and the regional media association, PINA, to establish the course. The institutes are: Solomon Island’s College for Higher Education (SICHE); Fiji Institute of Technology (FIT); National University of Samoa (NUS); Tonga Institute of Higher Education (TIHE); and Vanuatu Institute of Technology (VIT).


  • To establish a credible, accessible, accredited and sustainable vocational  
          course for media and journalism practice
  • To base the course on Pacific Island needs, expertise and resources
  • To harmonise modules and standards as much as possible from the
          beginning of planning to make future regional accreditation and
          cross-accreditation easier to achieve

Certificate in Media and Journalism

Semester 1
Basic News Writing
Values and Ethics
Basic Journalism
Research in Basic Journalism
Grammar Civics

Semester 2
Broadcast Journalism
Writing for Print
Political Journalism
Investigative Journalism
Advocacy and Government Information

Diploma in Media and Journalism

Semester 1   
Principles of Law and Media Sales
Marketing and Program Promotions
Beat Journalism 1: Sport, Health, Environment
Regional and Global Development Issues
Beat Journalism 2: Police; Court; Parliament.

Semester 2  
Business and Economic Reporting
Mentoring and Group Dynamics for Journalists and Media Managers
Media Organisations
Website Design & Management
Print Layout and Design
Pacific Islands Tradition and Culture

Each module includes:

  • 56 hours of face to face teaching
  • A session plan which gives teachers a step by step guide as they teach the
  • Roughly 30 hours of practical exercises and assessments
  • A module outline and detailed session plan
  • A rich resource of materials provided electronically for ease of use
  • owerPoint presentations
  • Teachers notes
  • Handouts
  • Must read materials
  • Additional reading materials for the very keen (and teachers)
  • Text books for reference and software where needed
  • Industry commitment to provide quality work attachment

Delivery of modules are in the form of classroom presentation that will include lecture-discussion, exercises, question and answer, case analysis, workshop and field work. Preparation of outputs for the participant will include actual field assignment and submission and discussion of report for critiquing.

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Pacific Media Centre

PMC newsdesk

The Pacific Media Centre - TE AMOKURA - at AUT University has a strategic focus on Māori, Pasifika and ethnic diversity media and community development.
