University of the South Pacific

USP website

Contacts: Dr Ian Weber (Head of Journalism)
Irene Manueli (supervisor of the newspaper Wansolwara)

The University of the South Pacific region spreads across 33 million square kilometres of ocean - an area more than three times the size of Europe. It is the premier institution of higher learning for the Pacific, uniquely placed in a region of extraordinary physical, social and economic diversity.

Established in 1968, USP is one of only two multinational universities of its type in the world. It is jointly owned by the governments of 12 member countries: Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu and Samoa.

The university has campuses and centres in all member countries. The main campus, Laucala – where the journalism school is based - is in Fiji. The Alafua Campus in Samoa is where the School of Agriculture and Food Technology is situated, and the Emalus Campus in Vanuatu is the location for the School of Law.

The academic schools, institutes and centres at the University of the South Pacific are organised into three faculties and led by deans. These are: Arts and Law; Business and Economics;  and Science, Technology and Environment. Each faculty comprises of a number of schools which offer a wide range of academic programmes and courses at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

The University also offers programmes through distance and flexible learning in a variety of modes and technologies throughout USP's 14 campuses. 

Advanced communication technologies through USPNet are used to reach distance and flexible learning students across the vast expanses of the Pacific Ocean.

Educational values

USP strives to place itself firmly in an international context and adopts the values and principles which have been advocated for Commonwealth universities throughout the world, namely to:

•    be academically innovative, creative and enterprising;

•    have strong commitment to good governance;

•    have a high-level of efficiency and productivity;

•    have commitment to serving its clients;

•    strive for quality, relevance and excellence;

•    be competitive as well as collaborative and cooperative;

•    be ethical, just and fair;

•    have responsible financial management;

•    encourage academic and personal freedom, rights and the democratic process.

USP journalism programmes

USP Journalism at USP

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Pacific Media Centre

PMC newsdesk

The Pacific Media Centre - TE AMOKURA - at AUT University has a strategic focus on Māori, Pasifika and ethnic diversity media and community development.
