DWU Journalism Programmes

Bachelor of Communication Arts (Journalism)  (4 years)
BA (Journalism)

The main programme of the Communication Arts Department is the Bachelor of Communication Arts (Journalism). This is a four-year programme. All students enrol in the degree programme but may choose to exit with a Diploma in Communication Arts after the first two years. Diploma graduates may choose to gain work experience before applying to enrol in final two years of the degree programme. Students learn print media, radio, television, internet and publishing skills using modern electronic facilities.

The department acts in the Madang area as a news bureau for the PNG newspapers and some radio stations. This news bureau gives students practical experience in news gathering and in writing for the media. Students are also involved in the production of a student training newspaper.

The department also oversees the Certificate in English Arts programme that began in 2007 to upgrade the English competencies of participants.

Entry requirements: An ‘A’ or ‘B’ in English at Grade 12 level; A letter outlining the reasons for wanting to study Communication Arts at DWU; Good references

Structure: Students usually take units worth 40 credit points a semester and take four years to complete the program. The courses include general subjects like Christian Ethics, PNG History, PNG Literature, Tok Pisin, Family and Social Issues.

The core subjects include courses such as:

  • Communication skills
  • Introduction to Journalism Studies
  • News and Current Affairs Awareness
  • End-User Computing and Word Processing  
  • Media Law and Ethics
  • News and Current Affairs Awareness

The advanced topics lead to a specialisation in the chosen field of journalism of the students. The courses include:  

  • •    Television News
  • •    Radio News
  • •    Layout and Design
  • •    Community Reporting I and II
  • •    Broadcast Journalism  I and II
  • •    In-Depth Reporting     
  • •    Applied Research for Social Sciences
  • •    Communication Skills for NGO Workers    

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Diploma in Communication Arts (Journalism)   (2 years)
All students enrol in the degree programme but may choose to exit with a Diploma in Communication Arts after the first two years. Diploma graduates may choose to gain work experience before applying to enrol in final two years of the degree program. Students learn print media, radio, television, internet and publishing skills using modern electronic facilities.

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Pacific Media Centre

PMC newsdesk

The Pacific Media Centre - TE AMOKURA - at AUT University has a strategic focus on Māori, Pasifika and ethnic diversity media and community development.
