UPNG Journalism Programme

The UPNG journalism programme runs under the School of Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS) which is the largest school at the University of Papua New Guinea . The school is made up of 17 strands including Arts and Design, Anthropology and Sociology, Literature, English and Communication, Business, Political Science, History, Gender and Philosophy, Professional Development, Social Work, Literary and Cultural studies, and Information and Communication Science. Each strand offers courses leading to first degree, higher degrees and diplomas.

All courses in journalism and public relations fall into the strand of Information and Communication which is now a strategic resource. Its successful use and presentation requires background knowledge and understanding. Information also needs to be disseminated through a variety of media. It is the purpose of this programme to provide professional training for those who will become Public Relations managers, journalists and media specialists.

Mission: "Managing and disseminating information as well as communicating effectively". The programme aims to prepare people to work with information and communicate in a professional capacity such as information managers, journalists and PR specialists.

-    To foster the development of an information and communication culture to
      value the role that information and communication can play in development.
-    To equip students with basic skills and knowledge to be able to prepare 
      information packages and develop communication skills in the course of work at university and at the workplace.
-    To provide professional programmes in mass communications and public relations.
-    To provide training in basic communication, information, publishing and public relations skills to communities in need, NGOs, provincial and national
-    To provide expertise in consultancy and research within the information and
      communication sciences.

Undergraduate Programme in Communication  (4 years)
The programme comprises of four years and focuses on core subjects like:

  • Mass Communication
  • News Practice
  • News Techniques
  • News Coverage
  • Mass Communication Theory
  • Media Laws and Ethics

The more advanced courses include:

  • Print media Production I and II
  • Electronic Media I and II
  • Community Publishing
  • Public Relations I and II
  • Practical Reporting I and II
  • Advanced News Practice

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Postgraduate  (Year 4)
The postgraduate degree comprises of several subjects included from above as well as the following courses:

  • Sub-thesis
  • Mass Media Theory
  • Information and Communication Technology: The Cyber Revolution
  • Information Communication Trends and Development
  • Research Proposal Writing

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Honours Programme (Year 5)
Bachelor of Journalism (Honours) programme is taken up by candidates who are academically qualified with some years of field experience. Intending applicants should consult the Strand leader before applying to the program.

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Pacific Media Centre

PMC newsdesk

The Pacific Media Centre - TE AMOKURA - at AUT University has a strategic focus on Māori, Pasifika and ethnic diversity media and community development.
