AsiaPacificReport.nz is a joint non-profit educational-industry venture between Multimedia Investments Ltd (Milnz.co.nz) and AUT’s Pacific Media Centre.
It is due to be launched and begin publishing in early 2016.
A core of the content is provided by postgraduate student journalists on the PMC’s Asia-Pacific Journalism Studies course in the School of Communication Studies at Auckland University of Technology. The students report on a range of Asia-Pacific issues ranging from climate change and the environment to education and health to politics, media, law social justice and sustainable business.
Their reports are supplemented by articles from contributing journalists and academics.
Objectives of the website:
- An independent Asia-Pacific voice telling the untold stories
- An educational media resource boosting the quality on regional reporting
- Addressing justice for the marginalised
- Providing Asia-Pacific journalism internships
Contact the Asia Pacific Report editor
Launch: Thursday, January 28, 4pm, Pacific Media Centre, WG1028 (open invitation) - more information