World Journalism Education Conference (WJEC)
13 July 2016
Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, Aotearoa/New Zealand
Organised by the Journalism Education and Research Association of Australia (JERAA)
In collaboration with the Pacific Media Centre (PMC) at AUT and
the Media Educators Pacific (MEP)
Immediately prior to the WJEC on 14-16 July
The JERAA-WJEC Preconference has a separate abstract submission process to the WJEC—submissions for the latter have now closed. You are welcome to submit two abstracts—one for the JERAA-PMC-MEP-WJEC Preconference and one for the WJEC.
How to Submit Abstracts
Abstracts are being sought for conference papers and panels on topics relevant to journalism and journalism education.
- Abstracts must be submitted as a Word file and emailed by Friday, 5 February, 2016 to wjec-preconference@outlook.com
- Abstracts for individual papers must be 300-800 words. Abstracts for panels must be 500-800 words, and they can also have abstracts for individual papers attached. If so, the attachment for each individual papers being presented as part of the panel can be a further 300-800 words per paper if required.
- The abstracts should give a clear sense of the goal of your research or educational project, its scope, and the method of inquiry, the results (to date) of your research or educational project, and conclusions/discussion. If you wish to have your paper printed in the Preconference Proceedings, it must be submitted by 1 June 2016.
- In the body of the email, put in the name, organisation details, email addresses and postal addresses for all authors of the paper. If there is more than one author, please identify who is the corresponding author that we should send all correspondence to.
- Your abstract must not include your name or contact details for yourself or any of the paper’s co-authors.
A panel of judges will conduct a blind peer review all abstracts that are submitted by the deadline of 5 February 2016. You will be advised of the outcome of the review process by 4 March 2016.
Dedicated Special Streams: Pacific Media Stream and Early-Career Stream
Early-Career Stream
In addition to streams for papers on broader topics affecting journalism and journalism education, there will be two special streams:
Research students and early-career trainers, educators and researchers whose abstracts are accepted will have the option to present their papers in specially badged ‘Early-Career Sessions’. These sessions will feature only students and early-career, trainers, educators and researchers, and at the end of each session, a senior researcher or educator will provide formative feedback to each presenter about their conference papers.
Pacific Media Stream
There will also be a dedicated stream for papers or panels about journalism and journalism/media education in the Pacific, including a special meeting of Media Educators Pacific (MEP). These papers will be eligible for submission to a special edition of Pacific Journalism Review on Pacific media education: www.pjreview.info
Key Dates in 2016 for Preconference Delegates
5 February Deadline for submitting your abstract for the WJEC Preconference
4 March Notification of acceptance of abstracts
1 April Confirm your participation in the WJEC Preconference
30 April Final date for Early Bird Registration for both WJEC Preconference and WJEC
31 May Draft program released
1 June Deadline for submission of full papers (optional)
30 June Final conference program released
13 Jul WJEC Preconference (one day)
14-16 July WJEC (three days)
For more information about the WJEC Preconference or Abstract Submission:
Abstracts must be emailed by Friday, 5 February, 2016 to wjec-preconference@outlook.com, following the instructions above
If you have any further queries, please contact JERAA Vice President (Conference) Leo Bowman (l.bowman@qut.edu.au) or JERAA Vice President Networks Angela Romano (a.romano@qut.edu.au).
For more information about the WJEC:
Please see: www.wjec.aut.ac.nz
For more information about the Pacific plans go to: www.pmc.aut.ac.nz/content/jeraa-and-pacific-pre-conference-info-wjec-next-generation
or contact PMC director Professor David Robie: david.robie@aut.ac.nz