Pacific Media Watch

30 September 2011

GLOBAL: West Papua's big rugby moment

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AUCKLAND (New Zealand Herald/Pacific Media Watch): World Rugby Cupshorts columnist in the New Zealand Herald has suddenly discovered West Papua and talked up the oppressed Indonesian-ruled Melanesian territory's chances in the sport.

The unnamed columnist bumped into an off-duty Green Party MP and this is what he related:

"Why is the media so obsessed with the World Cup?" she asked.

"Big issues are being missed. We just had a delegation from West Papua and there was no press coverage on them at all."

A fair point. And one that we're only too happy to remedy.

So, for the record, West Papua is currently part of Indonesia (no International Rugby Board ranking).

However, if they got independence they might someday hope to rival neighbouring Papua New Guinea (rated 46th in the IRB rankings).

Good luck to them.


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Rugby World Cup coverage

Pacific Media Centre

PMC newsdesk

The Pacific Media Centre - TE AMOKURA - at AUT University has a strategic focus on Māori, Pasifika and ethnic diversity media and community development.
