Pacific Media Watch

18 December 2015

INDONESIA: Jakarta Globe newspaper folds after seven years - now digital

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The seven-year print title - now completely online. Image: JG

JAKARTA (The Jakarta Post/Pacific Media Watch): After seven years, the English-language daily Jakarta Globe published its last print edition on Tuesday, marking the paper's complete transformation into an online publication.

The new mobile Jakarta Globe.The Globe prepared its print edition for Tuesday with the headline story titled "A Last Hurrah... And a New Beginning".

"As the Jakarta Globe moves online, we look back at a memorable and award-winning seven years in print," the paper's publisher Berita Satu Media Holdings wrote on the front page.

First hitting the newstands on November 12, 2008, the Globe initally came out with an average of 48 pages a day. In recent months, in preparation for its move online, the Globe began publishing abridged versions of all the stories in its print edition and recommended readers access the complete versions on its website

The newspaper's owner, PT Jakarta Globe Media, is part of BeritaSatu Media Holdings, an associated company of Lippo.

On Sunday, current and former Globe journalists started the hashtag #jglasthurrah as a testimonial to their time at the paper, while others used the hashtag to upload photos of their work in preparing the paper's final edition.

PMW editor: Several Pacific Media Centre-affiliated student journalists have been on internships at the Jakarta Globe.

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Pacific Media Watch

PMC's media monitoring service

Pacific Media Watch is compiled for the Pacific Media Centre as a regional media freedom and educational resource by a network of journalists, students, stringers and commentators. (cc) Creative Commons
