Pacific Media Watch

26 September 2013

NZ: PIMA plans focus on Māori, Pasifika relations at annual dinner

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AUCKLAND (Pacific Islands Media Association / Pacific Media Watch): Pasifika and Māori relations will come under the spotlight at the Pacific Islands Media Association (PIMA) fundraising dinner in Auckland next month.

More than 250 Pasifika and Māori media, community members and colleagues are expected to hear keynote speaker Mana Movement leader Hone Harawira give the keynote address at the November 6 event at the Manhattan Function Centre in Mt Roskill.

PIMA interim chair Will 'Ilolahia says it is timely to discuss Māori and Pasifika relations, “especially as New Zealand is looking at a range of matters around the Treaty of Waitangi and constitutional law".

He says Hone Harawira symbolises much of the Māori political angst which Pasifika people sympathise with but have struggled to understand.

“Many of our people sympathise with the Māori struggle for tino rangatiratanga because we know the importance of having our own sovereignty back in the islands,” says 'Ilolahia. 

“But when our people see Māori ‘radicals’ on TV talking about the injustices of Aotearoa’s colonisation, we don’t know where we fit into that conversation. We have our own struggles with this system here too and many don’t want to wait in line for answers.”

Harawira will be joined by Yolande Ah Chong, morning show host for Pacific Media Network’s Radio 531 PI. The Mana Party leader will be probed for answers during a live interview in front of the audience.

Closed doors
“Māori and Pasifika relations is an issue often debated by Pasifika people behind closed doors,” says Ah Chong. 

“I’m going to have fun interviewing Mr Harawira and asking him questions from a Pasifika perspective.”

Funds raised at the event will go towards PIMA’s work supporting and promoting Pasifika media in NZ.

The Pacific Islands Media Association was established in 2001 as an advocacy group to encourage more Pacific people to join the media industry and support those already working in the industry. 

Its current executive members are: Will 'Ilolahia (chair), Adrian Stevanon (vice-chair), Iulia Leilua (secretary), Sandra Kailahi, Richard Pamatatau, Eleanor Ikinofo and Angelina Weir. 

Tickets for PIMA’s fundraiser cost $50 each or $450 for a table of 10. 

More information and interviews

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Pacific Media Watch

PMC's media monitoring service

Pacific Media Watch is compiled for the Pacific Media Centre as a regional media freedom and educational resource by a network of journalists, students, stringers and commentators. (cc) Creative Commons
