Pacific Media Watch

6 November 2011

PNG: Commissioner warns National newspaper over 'bias'

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PORT MORESBY (Post Courier / Pacific Media Watch): A Papua New Guinean daily newspaper, The National, has been cautioned not to be biased in its reporting over the commission of inquiry into special agriculture business leases in the Pomio district of East New Britain Province.

Commissioner Alois Jerewai, presiding over the commission of inquiry into the SABL in the Pomio district, cautioned The National newspaper which is owned by Rimbunan Hijau, the giant Malaysian logging company that holds most of the timber licences in the country, “to be more responsible’’ in its reporting following an article that appeared in the paper last Thursday.

Just before the commencement of the hearing in Kokopo yesterday morning, Commissioner Jerewai said he was not happy with the article, saying the report was incorrect.

He asked The National newspaper’s reporter, who was present at the hearing on Thursday and “the editors and owners of the newspaper to be responsible" in what it reported, and to reflect what was being said at the commission of inquiry hearings otherwise they could be pulled up for contempt.

Commissioner Jerewai said it was important that articles “pertaining to this sensitive issue must be fairly represented and not to be seen to be influencing the findings of the commission in anyway’’.

The commission of inquiry hearings in Kokopo began last Monday, with East New Britain provincial administrator Akuila Tubal being called up to certify a lands investigation report which bears his signature.

The commission of inquiry was expected to wind up on Friday.

(cc) Creative Commons

Pacific Media Watch

PMC's media monitoring service

Pacific Media Watch is compiled for the Pacific Media Centre as a regional media freedom and educational resource by a network of journalists, students, stringers and commentators. (cc) Creative Commons
