Pacific Media Watch

2 October 2014

REGION: Pacific 'climate warriors' plan peaceful blockade of coal port

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Tevita Vuibau
SUVA (The Fiji Times / Pacific Media Watch): Pacific climate warriors from 12 Pacific Island countries will form a peaceful blockade of the Newcastle Coal Port this month to highlight the role of the Australian coal industry in fuelling climate change that is "sinking" the Pacific.

The 30 "climate warriors" under the banner of the environmental group will form the peaceful blockade on October 17.'s Pacific Outreach co-ordinator Koreti Tiumalu says calls for change and accountability from the Australian coal industry have fallen on deaf ears.

"Despite the dire implications for its neighbours, Australia has plans to triple its coal exports and become the world's largest gas exporter," Tiumalu says.

"This tour, and in particular the flotilla at the Newcastle coal port, is a way for the warriors to stand up and say they are not drowning, they are fighting. "

Marshall Islands climate warrior Mila Loek says they are taking action because their islands mean everything to them.

"Who else will stand up and fight for our people and our islands and culture? When will we be assured that we can continue to live without continuously fearing for the future and that of our children, grandchildren and our islands?" he asks.

"None of us who have felt the impacts of climate change should continue to suffer through them just to fulfil others' interests. It's wrong and it simply doesn't work that way."

Pacific climate warriors

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Pacific Media Watch

PMC's media monitoring service

Pacific Media Watch is compiled for the Pacific Media Centre as a regional media freedom and educational resource by a network of journalists, students, stringers and commentators. (cc) Creative Commons
