Pacific Media Watch

1 November 2016

VANUATU: Digital service launched in Luganville

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Locals have been told to acquire a new antennae and decoders to subscribe to Vanuamadia digital TV to continue watching local programming. Image: Loop Vanuatu

LUGANVILLE (Vanuatu Daily Post/Pacific Media Watch): The new Vanuamadia digital television service has recently launched in one of Vanuatu’s biggest cities, Luganville, Santo.

The signal coverage for the service is expected to cover the areas of Luganville, Malo/Aore, North West Malekula, West Ambae and West Pentecost.

The Vanuatu Daily Post reported areas of the east coast of Santo as far as Port Olry are expected to receive the service before Christmas.

According to the report, Prime Minister Charlot Salwai stated the digital service must reach all the islands of Vanuatu before the 2017 Pacific Mini Games which is set to be hosted in Vanuatu.

The analog free-to-air signal of Television Blong Vanuatu was switched off for Port Vila and suburban areas on October 15.

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Pacific Media Watch

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Pacific Media Watch is compiled for the Pacific Media Centre as a regional media freedom and educational resource by a network of journalists, students, stringers and commentators. (cc) Creative Commons
