Asia-Pacific Nius

12 August 2016

NZ Institute for Pacific Research 'roadshow' drops in on PMC

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NZ Institute for Pacific Research board member Walter Fraser (left, from AUT) and director Toeolesulusulu Associate Professor Damon Salesa at the Pacific Media Centre today. Image: Del Abcede/PMC
12 August 2016

Board and management members of the recently established NZ Institute for Pacific Research were hosted at AUT's Pacific Media Centre today as part of a travelling roadshow initiative with partner universities in the collaboration.

Based at the University of Auckland with foundation funding from the New Zealand government, the NZIPR also involves Auckland University of Technology and the University of Otago and their researchers.

The board today visited "hotspots" of Pacific research at AUT and were hosted at the Office of Pacific Advancement for lunch before giving an an afternoon glimpse of the institute's future plans.

Director Toeolesulusulu Associate Professor Damon Salesa outlined progress so far with some research outputs already achieved in five priority research categories for the first year.

He also demonstrated infographics from a newly created database on aid in the Pacific region.

Toeolesulusulu described the institute as an exciting new approach to Pacific "thought leadership" in the region

David Nicholson, director of the Pacific Development Division of MFAT, also gave an overview of government expectations from the new institute and thinking about priorities.

New Pacific research institute gives students, staff 'cutting edge'

NZ Institute for Pacific Research

NZ Institute for Pacific Research board members David Nicholson (MFAT, from left), Elisabeth Poppelwell (MFAT), Dr Gerard Cotterell (manager, UOA), Professor Jenny Dixon (chair, UOA), Walter Fraser (AUT) and director Toeolesulusulu Associate Professor Damon Salesa (UOA) with AUT's Pacific Media Centre director professor David Robie (second from right) in the School of Communication Studies today. Image: Del Abcede/PMC

Pacific Media Centre

PMC newsdesk

The Pacific Media Centre - TE AMOKURA - at AUT University has a strategic focus on Māori, Pasifika and ethnic diversity media and community development.
