Asia-Pacific Nius

15 August 2011

Poroporoaki to AUT Chancellor Sir Paul Reeves

Hero image
Sir Paul Reeves ... "a great New Zealander". Photo: Pacific Scoop
15 August 2011

The death of AUT Chancellor Sir Paul Reeves at the weekend was a great loss to his family and to New Zealand, says the Governor-General, Sir Anand Satyanand.

”Sir Paul Reeves was a great New Zealander whose death will be mourned by people both in New Zealand and throughout the world. His loss will first and foremost be felt most keenly by Lady Beverley Reeves and their family, to whom he was a devoted husband and father. My wife Susan and I join all New Zealanders in extending our deep and sincere sympathies to the Reeves family."

Vice-Chancellor Derek McCormack circulated the following farewell tribute from AUT staff:
Poroporoaki (farewell) to Sir Paul Reeves
I te timatanga ko te kupu, ko te Atua te kupu

Na te Atua ano te kupu i te timatanga

Nana ano te rangi me te whenua i hanga

Ko ia ra toku piringa, ka puta ka ora ki te whai ao, ki te ao marama

Tīhei mauriora!

Kaore hoki te po! Kaore hoki te ao!

Te tai ra! Te tai ra!

E timu ana, e tai ana ki tawhiti nui, ki tawhiti roa, ki tawhiti pamamao

Ta Paora, neinei nga manu pirere o Te Wananga Aronui o Tamaki-makau-rau e tioriwari nei kia hoki mai koe ki a matou.

Kei taku kura kua titaha, kei taku kuru hauhunga.

Kei taku motoi kahotea, kei taku manu taupua.

Me aha ra e mutu ai te whakauteute me te karangirangi e haehae nei i te kenepuru o te ngakau?

Kai kini nei te aroha, kai kini nei te manawa, kai kini nei te wairua.

Hei aha ra, hakoa te whanui, hakoa te wharahi o nga kupu e kore koe e hoki mai

No reira, takoto ai te marino, horahia i waho ra

Ka topa atu ki te karamatamata o to maunga tapu o Taranaki

Na te rau o Puketapu ka tangi tonu nei e

Kua heke iho ra he kapura koriorio

Ka rongo i te hau-a-uru, e ngunguru i te ao i te po, i te ao i te po.

Kei taku manukura, kua mu koe i nga akina o to Atua.

Noho iho ra i tona haneaneatanga

E te pononga a te Atua

E moe, e moe, moe mai ra.

(cc) Creative Commons

Sir Paul Reeves, a great New Zealander

Sir Paul Reeves, from Parihaka to nationhood

Pacific Media Centre

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The Pacific Media Centre - TE AMOKURA - at AUT University has a strategic focus on Māori, Pasifika and ethnic diversity media and community development.
