
9 July 2012

Toktok No 22 / Winter 2012

ISSN 1175-0472
Publication month
No 22 Winter
Pacific Media Centre
Paper date

News and features reported by AUT University journalism students and staff from the Pacific Media Centre are now being widely used in publications across the region.

TV3’s new Pacific Profile web page is the latest New Zealand-based Pacific media initiative to tap into student journalists’ work.

This means postgraduate student reported stories are being read from the Cook Islands to Samoa.

As well as Pacific Profile, PMC student stories are being published regularly on Pacific Scoop, Pacmas, Spasifik, the PasiMA website and many others. They are also available on the Pacific Media section of the Niustext database produced by Knowledge Basket.

Readers of PMC Online and Pacific Scoop—a partnership with Scoop Media launched in August 2009—are also able to read a wide range of stories and analysis articles written by Pacific journalists and academic researchers.

The PMC’s research journal Pacific Journalism Review is also available on five subscription databases.

Other articles in this edition:
Yamo embarks on mobile phone and health research project in PNG Highlands

Pacific mining media investigations featured in PJR

PMC in pictures

Pacific Media Centre

PMC newsdesk

The Pacific Media Centre - TE AMOKURA - at AUT University has a strategic focus on Māori, Pasifika and ethnic diversity media and community development.
