
20 November 2012

Toktok No 23 / Summer 2012

Risky, treacherous roads all part of PNG research challenges
ISSN 1175-0472
Publication month
No 23 Summer
Pacific Media Centre
Paper date

Henry Yamo

Data collection for my recent research into use of mobile telephones in Papua New Guinea’s health sector communications involved driving thousands of kilometres to rugged outposts for interviewing health workers.

I talked to 43 people in Western Highlands and Jiwaka provinces using mobile phones to communicate with the provincial office or with colleagues—including specialist doctors—to seek information that would assist them handling health cases.

Data was collected in three weeks (June 30-July 22) among health workers in seven districts from the two provinces.

I endured risky and treacherous road conditions—which were quite challenging—to reach my interview subjects.

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